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Change log entry 68633
Processed by: richwarm (2019-11-14 21:22:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63877 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. lead the way; guide

1. 迎接引导。
| 我被派去~新来的总经理。
2. 佛教用语。指菩萨垂手迎接众生往生佛国净土。
| 祈愿佛祖早日~过世的祖母前往极乐世界。

1. 迎接引进。
| 《初刻拍案惊奇.卷二一》:「两个投宿于旅邸,小二哥接引,拣了一间宽大房子。」
2. 佛教指菩萨垂手迎接众生往生佛国净土。
| 《水浒传.第四六回》:「怎极乐观音方才接引,早血盆地狱塑来出相?」

动 接待并引导
| 接引宾客。

If one swallow flies out of formation, two others go to get him and bring him back into the group.

Waiters in the restaurant warmly welcome and guide customers.

4) After crossing the Yangtze, all army units should send men to assist neighboring units in crossing the river, maintaining close communication with these units, exchanging information and co-operating closely with them, and actively support them in fighting.

How then can they pass the torch of holistic care to a new generation and continue to deliver health and hope?

Because Amitabha can receive disciples who intone Namo Amitabha to the West Pure Land, he is also called the Receiving Buddha.

If you want to go there recite amitabha with all your heart and mind. when the time is right he will come for you.

Editor: a few more ~

"Catchy, secular music can draw people in, but does it make them want to follow the Buddhist way of life and pursue ultimate salvation?"

Good Buddhist music helps listeners to experience compassion and wisdom, and also reaches out to countless other people.

School authorities installed a three-meter-wide pipe below the observation platform and the wading path as an "animal corridor" through which small creatures could come in from outside the school's grounds. Currently, lizards, earthworms, and millipedes are frequently seen.
# 接引 接引 [jie1 yin3] /to receive and guide (guests, newcomers, etc)/(Buddhism) to receive into the Pure Land (of a Bodhisattva or Buddha)/
+ 接引 接引 [jie1 yin3] /to greet and usher in (guests, newcomers etc)/(Buddhism) to receive into the Pure Land/
By MDBG 2024
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