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Change log entry 68569
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-31 01:13:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65040 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
seems like an abbreviation of 铁人三项.

· 玩转铁三

· 让铁三赛事在中华大地遍地开花

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Editor: Yes, it seems to be an abbreviation of 铁人三项, but GF's definition of 铁人三项 seems to match "triathlon" rather than "ironman triathlon", which is specific type of triathlon that includes a full marathon run of 42 km (according to Wikipedia). The article you quoted also seems to be referring to triathlons in general rather than ironman triathlons.
# 鐵三 铁三 [tie3 san1] /(sports) ironman triathlon/
+ 鐵三 铁三 [tie3 san1] /triathlon/
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