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Change log entry 68553
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-10-29 09:15:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65201 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. barrier

| 鲁迅《故乡》:我们之间已经隔了一层可悲的厚障壁了。

The blood-brain barrier - which stops most things in the blood stream from crossing to our brains - is much too great an obstacle.

A more ambitious scheme under discussion would use dredgers to build a new set of barrier islands in front of the delicate marshes of the Mississippi delta.

With a firewall, you can create a solid barrier and then open only the ports that you need.

A dam is a barrier holding water back.

"I presume that primates' brains develop in the womb over a relatively longer period of time, and the structure of their brains is more complex and therefore capable of constructing screening mechanisms in the bloodstream. Physically harmful elements are not allowed to pass from the blood into the brain," explains Dr. Tung Ta-cheng.

Lin Ya-min of the TFRI's sea conditions research lab, points out that when the cold water comes down from the mainland, the Kuroshio Current which circles around the northeast part of the island brings warm water that intersects with it. The cold and warm currents push and pull against one another, becoming almost like two walls. This traps the fish in groups, creating an excellent fishing ground. This is what oceanographers describe as the "barricading effect."

I shuddered as I realized what a wretched, thick wall now stood between us. (Lyell)
I felt a shiver run-through me; for I knew then what a lamentably thick wall had grown up between us. (Yangs)
I almost felt myself shudder with sadness - at the thick wall sprung up between us. (Lovell)
+ 障壁 障壁 [zhang4 bi4] /barrier/
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