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Change log entry 68528
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-25 22:42:15 GMT)
Comment: It's not "until they leave".
It's "until another group of diners takes their place at the same table".
- 翻桌 翻桌 [fan1 zhuo1] /to flip a table over (in a fit of anger)/(at a restaurant) to turn over a table (i.e. complete a cycle of seating diners at a table and serving them until they leave)/
+ 翻桌 翻桌 [fan1 zhuo1] /to flip a table over (in a fit of anger)/(at a restaurant) to turn over a table (i.e. to complete a cycle from the seating of one group of diners until the arrival of another group at the same table)/
By MDBG 2024
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