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Change log entry 68519
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-10-23 23:40:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64747 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
(medicine, chess etc) - see various dicts

The weightlifting practice area, located in the National College of Physical Education and Sports (CPES), is where national team members congregate to work out.

Chiang Yi-hsuan, a second-grader, often rubs her little hands raw on the gymnastics bars, but she remains undeterred. According to her father, she often says: "I want to make the national team by sixth grade."

Though most stores' shutters are still firmly closed, retired international cyclist Sean Huang's small bicycle shop is a hive of activity.

目前除大陸外,推動象棋步上專業化的國家就是越南了,在經濟拮据的情形下,越南政府仍每個月給「 國手」足以生活的費用。
In addition to mainland China, Vietnam is a key supporter of efforts to internationalize Chinese chess. In spite of the country's difficult economic situation, the government still provides the members of the national Chinese chess team with a stipend that is sufficient to live on.

to help train the Chinese Taipei Olympic karate team.

Though the school has only about 350 students, it has produced several famous professional baseball players, including Chen Yi-hsin, Wang Kuang-hwei and Wang Kuang-hsi.

is the first Olympic athlete to hold this position.

With vocal support from Stan Shih the project has attracted sponsorship from sports and business notables like Fubon Group chairman Daniel Tsai, UMC honorary vice-chairman John Hsuan, and renowned Taiwanese golfer Hsieh Min-nan.

I'm Huang Baile. I'm 36 years old and I've represented Taiwan in international rock climbing competitions for over ten years.
+ 國手 国手 [guo2 shou3] /(sports) member of the national team/national representative/(medicine, chess etc) one of the most highly skilled practitioners in one's country/
By MDBG 2024
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