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Change log entry 68487
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-10-20 11:31:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65089 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Although they would still come back to Keelung harbor to search for food, it was not a hopeful scene: At the mouth of the water pipe running from the market into the harbor, bits of meat and intestines floated in a thick layer of black oil; a strange smell filled the air.

The theater was full of all kinds of strange odors--tobacco, sweat, urine and the acrid stench of edibles of every description.

She says that apart from the physical pain ichthyosis sufferers have to endure, their appearance and the odor caused by their condition cause other people to react with disdain and avoid contact with them, and this causes psychological trauma too.

It is only recently that the residents of Hsiachuotsu, unable to stand the smell, have begun to protest.

+ 異味 异味 [yi4 wei4] /unpleasant odor/
By MDBG 2024
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