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Change log entry 68469
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-17 05:05:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65059 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 一心多用就是指同时干好几样事情,比如,一边做作业一边看电视,或者一边上网一边和家人交谈,对此专家研究发现,同时做几件事不仅不会提高效率,而且对大脑有害。“一心多用”会影响正常的脑力活动,引发多种疾病。

You can also use your multitasking skills to discover your future career.

Actually, multitasking can make you perform worse in whatever you're doing.

We compensate for our inability to multitask with a remarkable ability to single-task in rapid succession.

Editor: It seems to have a bit of a Tw flavour.
G results with site:.cn and site:.tw seem to be about the same.

A few other verb usage examples:
- 你不該一心多用的12個理由
- 你是否常常一心多用?
+ 一心多用 一心多用 [yi1 xin1 duo1 yong4] /to multitask/
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