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Change log entry 68450
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-15 20:08:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64627 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"change rapidly" seems to be a be a misconception of a Chinese definition.
What's "rapid" is the appearing and disappearing (出沒), not the actual nature of the (grammatical) subject.
LA 形容用兵奇妙,出沒神速;
M 形容行動快速,變化莫測。
So, for example, enemy troops appear out of nowhere and then disappear, but the soldiers don't "change rapidly" (or slowly, for that matter).
- 神出鬼沒 神出鬼没 [shen2 chu1 gui3 mo4] /(idiom) to appear and disappear unpredictably/to change rapidly/elusive/
+ 神出鬼沒 神出鬼没 [shen2 chu1 gui3 mo4] /lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom)/fig. elusive/
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