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Change log entry 68378
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-07 08:26:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64985 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* It's not a common word for police station in the PRC, where it seems to be used only when referring to police station in other countries (or Hong Kong), but it's common in HK, judging from recent news reports.
* According to 现代汉语大词典, 警署 is short for 警察署, which is in CEDICT.

p[lace].w[ord]. police station

NOUN police headquarters (or station)


| 巴金《人》:他并没有说出要我到警察署去的话。
| 萧乾《坐船犯罪记》:表刚好差一分八点, 我走进了警署。

KGB officers in plain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station, and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come.

The footage shows them standing near officers from West Yorkshire police, at least four of whom were not showing their badge numbers.

李先生获准以五千元保释外出, 明天再返警署报到.
Mr Lee was released on $ 5 , 000 bail asked to report back to police tomorrow.

同时马路上四处都响起了警笛的凄厉的尖音; 这是近处的警署得了报告,派警察赶来分头兜捕。
Just then, whistles began to shrill from every direction as more policemen arrived on the scene from the various police stations in the neighbourhood and began to round up the women.

His police mug-shot was seen in every paper in the world. His stardom looked to be all over.

HONG KONG — Hundreds of protesters surrounded a police station in Hong Kong on Tuesday, some scuffling with officers, after the authorities said they had charged dozens of people with rioting over clashes with the police days earlier.

当地居民对警方的不在乎感到愤怒,他们说,警方周日没有接听他们的电话,也没有对他们到警署投诉进行登记。32岁的设计师特里·林(Terry Lin)说,看到手持棍棒的白衣人向火车接近后,他第一个冲到当地警署报案。但在登记了几个投诉后,警署落闸关门,把越来越多前来的民众关在外面,警方说关门是出于安全考虑。
Locals were angered by what appeared to be police complacency, saying the authorities did not answer their phone calls or register their complaints at the station on Sunday. Terry Lin, a 32-year-old designer, said that he was one of the first people to rush to the local police station after seeing the men in white approach the train station with sticks, but the police eventually closed the metal gates to a growing crowd of residents after registering a few complaints, citing security concerns.

【 929 太子】警制服多人 警署外連開多發布袋彈
將軍澳男童被帶走 示威者圍警署 警射催淚彈

巴黎警署惨案7分钟 反恐检察官通报案情细节
被千名示威者包围 香港警长只身踏出警署只为救人
# 警署 警署 [jing3 shu3] /police station/abbr. for 警察署[jing3 cha2 shu3]/
+ 警署 警署 [jing3 shu3] /police station (abbr. for 警察署[jing3 cha2 shu3])/
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