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Change log entry 68370
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-06 01:12:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62527 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. 〈wr.〉 reach the clouds

reach the clouds; soar to the skies
| 壮志凌云
| cherish high aspirations; aim high
| 久有凌云志, 重上井冈山。(毛泽东)
| I have long aspired to reach for the clouds, | And I again ascend Jinggang Mountains.

| ~高阁
| 高耸~
| 壮志~。

1. 乘云高飞。比喻超俗绝尘。
| 《文选.江淹.别赋》:「赋有凌云之称,辩有雕龙之声。」
| 《警世通言.卷九.李谪仙醉草吓蛮书》:「李白紫衣纱帽,飘飘然有神仙凌云之态。」
2. 相术家指当额中央,两眉附根上的地方。
# + 凌雲 凌云 [ling2 yun2] /(lit.) reach the clouds/(fig.) high/lofty/
+ 凌雲 凌云 [ling2 yun2] /(lit. and fig.) towering/lofty/high/
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