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Change log entry 68345
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-02 22:28:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60372 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
saw this on weibo today:


seems like it originally meant a break dancing dance-off but it seems mostly to be (wrongly(?)) used to talk about choreographed group dances

see: http://www.baidu.com/link?url=HP5t1SmbHLuRnaJOq0BtN7qT7zwGzZ_Fbzyj0P-kvG3oc8nH0fIh_TyCBN3z7VATYElUX9MX4foO4hjf_pbNbK&wd=&eqid=8e974ccf000037bb0000000559413b40 [婚礼上尬舞] - it's just a choreographed group dance

and the picture on baike:
https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E5%B0%AC%E8%88%9E/6164465/0/a71ea8d3fd1f4134a8855dff2d1f95cad0c85e84?fr=lemma&ct=single [another choreographed group dance]

一个印度婚礼至少尬舞三天 整身装备上哪儿买?
Bollywood dancing? It can only be a choreographed group dance....

or 街舞 has just been understood as any outside dancing?

The Baidu article you referenced gives the two basic meanings:
1) the "dance-off" sense you submitted
2) 由于使用了“尴尬”的“尬”字,“尬舞”又衍生出新的含义:嘲讽舞姿不佳的人胡乱扭动身体,使场面尴尬的场景。(i.e. weird dancing)

Lots of examples of dancing that are labelled "尬舞" (weird dancing) are done by choreographed groups.
But you can't conclude that 尬舞 *means* choreographed group dancing.

e.g. 父亲在女儿婚礼上的尬舞合集
The father and daughter do a choreographed dance together at the daughter's wedding.
But 尬舞 refers to the weird dance moves, not the fact that it's choreographed dancing.
# 尬舞 尬舞 [ga4 wu3] /dance-off/choreographed group dance/
# Editor:
+ 尬舞 尬舞 [ga4 wu3] /(slang) to battle each other in street dancing (derived from Taiwanese 較, which sounds similar to Mandarin 尬[ga4])/(slang) to perform weird dance moves/
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