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Change log entry 68267
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-09-25 09:51:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64873 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Isn't this just plain wrong? “Whence” means where (from), 何以 means why or how.

adv. 〈wr.〉 how?; why?

1. 用什幺;如何。
| ~为生
| ~解忧?
2. 为什幺。
| 他~变得不讲情理?

1. 为什么。
| 《文选.潘岳.河阳县作诗二首之二》:「曲蓬何以直?托身依丛麻。」
| 唐.韩愈〈秋怀诗〉一一首之七:「我无汲汲志,何以有此憾?」
2. 如何。
| 《论语.宪问》:「或曰:『以德报怨,何如?』子曰:『何以报德?』」
| 《文选.曹操.短歌行》:「何以解忧?唯有杜康。」
3. 反问的语气,表示没有或不能。
| 《文选.司马迁.报任少卿书》:「假令仆伏法受诛,若 九牛亡一毛,与蝼蚁何以异?」
| 《文选.东方朔.答客难》:「贤与不肖,何以异哉?」

Otherwise, how do you explain those dirty looks the Zhao family's dog gave me? (Lyell)
Otherwise why should the Zhaos' dog have looked at me twice? (Yangs)
Why did the Zhaos' dog look twice at me? (Lovell)

I itched to ask why he was still single but because I did not feel I knew him that well, in the end I did not. (Lyell)
I wanted very much to ask why he had remained single so long, but I did not know him well enough. (Yangs)
Though I was very keen to know why he himself had never married, I felt too embarrassed to ask; I hardly knew the man. (Lovell)

Editor: indeed seems so, thanks.
- 何以 何以 [he2 yi3] /whence/
# + 何以 何以 [he2 yi3] /why/how/
+ 何以 何以 [he2 yi3] /(literary) why/how/
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