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Change log entry 68213
Processed by: richwarm (2019-09-18 11:37:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64807 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I see many examples where 仰视 is used as translation of the English "to look up to (sb)", but it seems these are just overly literal translations, in Chinese 仰视 doesn't seem to mean "to admire".

v. look up at
| 他太高了, 我不得不仰视他。
| He's so tall that I have to look up at him.

look up
| 仰视天空
| look up at the sky

| ~晴空
| ~满天星斗。

| 《文选.宋玉.高唐赋》:「仰视山颠,肃何千千。」
| 《西游记.第四一回》:「若见了菩萨,切休仰视,只可低头礼拜。」

动 仰着头向上看
| 仰视山巅古庙。

Looking up from the moon's surface, the Apollo astronauts were able to see the great, shining earth.

At the close of 2004, hundreds of thousands of people gathered around the Taipei 101 Financial Center, craning their necks to watch the building light up one stage at a time. Beamed around the world in television broadcasts, this sight of the world's tallest building also made for a beautiful "image advertisement" for the city of Taipei.

他站在浙江溫州新啟用的國際機場大道地標《物華天寶》前,仰視著16層樓高、地面直徑達60 公尺的不鏽鋼與鈦合金組合的景觀雕塑,在噴泉、音樂、燈光襯托下,《物華天寶》璀燦奪目。
Chu looked up at the 16-story tower, 60 meters in diameter, glistening with stainless steel and titanium alloy, surrounded by fountains, and with music and lights adding to the spectacular effect.

At this point a strange feeling came over me. It was as if the rickshaw man's receding and dust-covered form had, in a flash, somehow been magnified. It grew larger and larger with every step he took, until finally I had to look up just to take it all in. (Lyell)
Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dusty retreating figure had in that instant grown larger. Indeed, the further he walked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him. (Yangs)
In that brief moment, a curious sensation overtook me: his back, filthy with dust, suddenly seemed to loom taller, broader with every step he took, until I had to crick my neck back to view him in his entirety. (Lovell)

Baldy has just raised his head to inspect four white characters inscribed on a red board nailed to the telephone pole. He seems to find them intriguing. (Lyell)
Baldy was looking up as if fascinated at the four big white characters on the red board nailed to the telegraph pole. (Yangs)
Tipping his head back, the bald man was now finding the four white characters on a red notice pinned to the telegraph pole a rich topic for research. (Lovell)


Editor: I don't think "raise one's head" is the best description.
Often, it means 'to bring the head up from a bowed position', for example.
<<George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame at having forgotten. The boss said suddenly, "Listen, Small!" Lennie raised his head. "What can you do?">>

"tip (or tilt) one's head back" (as in your last quote) is better, I would say.
# 仰視 仰视 [yang3 shi4] /to raise one's head to see (sth)/to look up at/
+ 仰視 仰视 [yang3 shi4] /to tilt one's head back to see (sth)/to look up at/
By MDBG 2024
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