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Change log entry 68169
Processed by: richwarm (2019-09-14 23:05:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64008 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

From https://zh.wiktionary.org/zh-hant/%E4%B8%80%E8%AA%9E%E6%88%90%E8%AE%96

2、一语成谶!范志毅预言成真了 国青输完泰国又输越南
From https://sports.qq.com/a/20190327/008972.htm

3、陕西日报:奇葩博物馆 林徽因一语成谶


Wang Sen-yuan says that according to his own on-the-spot observations, a common feature of many of the collapsed high-rises is that "Too few binder bars were used in the beams and columns, and they weren't installed correctly." Wang began raising the issue of binder bars many years ago, but he never thought his words would prove so prophetic.

The philosopher Martin Heidegger described the most enlightened mode of life as "being-toward-death." Yet death, life's single absolute truth, is a taboo subject for Chinese. Anyone so uncouth as even to utter the non-euphemistic term for death in Chinese is apt to be greeted by a chant of "fie, fie, fie" from his listeners, who hope thus to avert tragedy.
# 一語成讖 一语成谶 [yi1 yu3 cheng2 chen4] /a casual remark turned out to be a prophecy./
+ 一語成讖 一语成谶 [yi1 yu3 cheng2 chen4] /(idiom) to have one's words turn out to be (tragically) prophetic/
By MDBG 2024
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