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Change log entry 68127
Processed by: richwarm (2019-09-06 10:00:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64155 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
1. 领取证件、证书。
| 他是今年的毕业生~代表。
2. 〖陆〗领取结婚证。借指结婚。
| 他俩交往多年,预计下个月~。

In addition to this. many couples now cohabit and don't bother to marry.

"There are 50 to 60 couples waiting to get married on the day same-sex marriage is legalized," said Buduja, who is among those hoping to tie the knot.

1) removed comma before "etc"
2) replaced non-ASCII g's with ASCII g's in [ling3 zheng4]
# 領證 领证 [linɡ3 zhenɡ4] /to obtain a certificate or license, etc/(PRC) to obtain a marriage license/to marry/
+ 領證 领证 [ling3 zheng4] /to obtain a certificate or license etc/(PRC) to obtain a marriage license/to marry/
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