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Change log entry 68076
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-09-03 08:45:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63775 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. ① genuine goods at a fair price ② the genuine thing

1 genuine goods at a fair price
2 through and through; out-and-out; dyed-in-the-wool; absolute
| 货真价实的骗子
| an out-and-out swindler
|absolute hypocrite

1. 货物品质好,价钱合理。
| 这批大豆~,可以放心购用。
2. 比喻实在,不虚假。
| 他的论文~,很有创见。

1. 货品真确而价格实在。如:「他卖东西,一向货真价实,童叟无欺。」
2. 比喻真实不假。
| 《儿女英雄传.第一七回》:「这喜怒哀乐四个字,是个货真价实的生意,断假不来。」

1 货物质量可靠, 价钱公道。
2 比喻实实在在, 没有一点儿虚假。

Some of these private companies have been spectacularly successful. You may not have heard of them, but they are big. Really big.

But the bees are not as happy as they sound, which is why Mr Wardell, who has a PhD in entomology and is a de facto bee doctor, is here.

于是他拉扯了我的胡子后,知道那是货真价实的,我就要他给我5 美元。
Well he tugged my beard which is quite natural and I made him give me $5.

I’ve visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary Carioca, a true Rio native.

伟大的人昨天,我耳闻目睹了一个伟大的人。我的意思不是指那些仅仅被视为伟大的人物,而是货真价实 的一位。
费尔南多·佩索阿(Fernando Pessoa)/惶然录

他说道:“瞧,这才是我培养出来的绅士!这是货真价实 的上等人!
- 貨真價實 货真价实 [huo4 zhen1 jia4 shi2] /genuine goods at fair prices/
+ 貨真價實 货真价实 [huo4 zhen1 jia4 shi2] /genuine goods at fair prices/(fig.) genuine/real/true/
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