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Change log entry 68052
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-09-01 06:37:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64377 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The current definition ignores the 2nd character, 其.
及 means "and; as well as"
But 及其 means
- and its ...
- and their ...
- and his ...

and his
這樣的文人及其作品 this cultural figure and his work

and their
移民及其家人 immigrants and their family members

and its
《中國回教之發展及其運動》The Development of Chinese Islam and Its Activities

It could be regarded as a construct.
It's not included in many dictionaries.
It is in K and GR, though.

GR ~ et son (sa, ses)
- 及其 及其 [ji2 qi2] /and/as well as/
+ 及其 及其 [ji2 qi2] /(conjunction linking two nouns) and its .../and their .../and his .../and her .../
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