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Change log entry 68046
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-31 23:53:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63896 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* LAC doesn't distinguish senses, it has only the sense “copybook” and gives zìtiě as the Taiwan pronunciation for it. MoE disagrees and I don't have any other helpful source so I'm not adding zìtiě as the Taiwan pronunciation to the current definition.
* Most other dictionaries distinguish zìtiè, “copybook”, from zìtiě, “short note”, so I'm adding it as a separate entry.
* Some dictionaries have only 字帖 zìtiě (MoE, 现代汉语大词典) while other have only 字帖儿 zìtiěr (Pleco, 规范词典). Wenlin goes both ways: zìtiě(r). I don't know which should be considered more standard so I added the full definition to both spellings.
* Wenlin's definition is different from any other dictionary, it gives “specimen of writing” for zìtiè and both “copy book” and “short letter” for zìtiě(r). I'm not sure of what is meant by “specimen of writing”, which isn't found anywhere else. Calligraphy copybooks reproduce the writing of famous calligraphers, can it just mean this? Or a person's handwritten note as a specimen of his calligraphy? In any case it would repeat one of the senses in zìtiě. I suspect some sort of confusion or error.

※ 字帖 zìtiè
n. specimen of writing M:zhāng/běn
copybook (for calligraphy)
| 《九成宫醴泉铭》是练习楷书的〜。
名 学习书法时临摹的范本, 多是书法名家的墨迹拓(tà)本。
供学习书法的人欣赏、临摹的范本, 多为名家墨迹的石刻拓本、木刻印本或影印本。

※ 字帖 zìtiě
n. ① copy book (for calligraphy) ② short letter; note M:zhāng 张
| 《恨海.第六回》:「仍舊寫幾個字帖兒,在碼頭上要路貼下,說明我們已經南下。」
写着简单话语的纸条, 多为通知、启事之类。

※ 字帖儿 zìtiěr
brief note
① copy book (for calligraphy) ② short letter; note M:zhāng 张 [same as above, alternative spelling]
名 写有简单话语的帖子。
# 字帖 字帖 [zi4 tie4] /copybook (for calligraphy)/
+ 字帖 字帖 [zi4 tie3] /piece of paper with short note/short letter/
+ 字帖兒 字帖儿 [zi4 tie3 r5] /piece of paper with short note/short letter/
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