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Change log entry 68037
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-31 10:56:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61547 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I'm not sure what can be called "nature's color", in my experience nature comes with an extensive colour choice. Wenlin has the exact same wording, which makes me think both dictionaries copied the definition from somewhere else. Also "greenish black" (again, exact same wording in Wenlin) seems wrong, all Chinese dictionaries I have access too define 青 as black but never mention greenish. 青丝 is black hair, not greenish black hair; 玄青 is jet black, not deep greenish black.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about the distinction of blue and green in Chinese:
The modern Chinese language has the blue–green distinction (蓝/ 藍 lán for blue and 绿 / 綠 lǜ for green); however, another word that predates the modern vernacular, qīng (Chinese: 青), is also used. The character depicts the budding of a young plant and it could be understood as "verdant", but the word is used to describe colors ranging from light and yellowish green through deep blue all the way to black, as in xuánqīng (Chinese: 玄青).

And this is what Chinese dictionaries mention, in terms of colour:
1 藍。
2 綠。
3 黑。


1 顏色: a 綠色。
b 藍色。
|青取之於藍, 而青於藍。
c 黑色。如:「玄青」。

1 綠色的。如:「青山綠水」、「山青水秀」。
2 藍色的。如:「青天白日」。
3 黑色的。如:「青布」、「青衣」。
|君不見高堂明鏡悲白髮, 朝如青絲暮成雪。

1 形 形容颜色。
a 蔚蓝或深蓝
|青天 | 青筋暴露。
b 绿
|青草 | 青苗。
c 黑
青布 | 青丝。

Editor: "nature's color" is just one way of expressing what is in a number of sources.
For example, Wiktionary puts it this way:

青 : Ideogrammic compound (會意): 生 (“growth of plants”) + 丹 (“cinnabar”). Cinnabar was used for dyeing, and by extension, came to imply “color” in general, giving the combined meaning “color of growing plants” → “blue-green”.
- 青 青 [qing1] /nature's color/green or blue/greenish black/youth/young (of people)/
+ 青 青 [qing1] /green/blue/black/youth/young (of people)/
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