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Change log entry 68023
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-28 11:47:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64651 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “the Qingming festival” — I don't think 上坟 is an alternative name for the Qingming festival, although on the Qingming festival you visit graves (清明时节,族人一块到祖先墓地上坟 — example from LAC). No other dictionary claims this.
* “to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)” — I'm not sure about this one, but most dictionaries don't mention sweeping (清扫、祭扫) as they do on the definitions for 扫墓. However, MoE's definition is literally just “扫墓”. The examples quoted don't seem to imply sweeping, though, it may just be the editors assumed sweeping is what you do when you visit a grave. It also seems the expression “上坟祭扫” is relatively common, which would imply 上坟 and 祭扫 are different actions.

v.o. visit a grave

visit a grave
| 上坟祭灵
| visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead

| 他带着鲜花素果~去
| 他定期至父亲的墓地~
| 清明时节,族人一块到祖先墓地~。

| 《初刻拍案惊奇.卷一六》:「一个闲的,挑了食櫑随着,恰像那里去上坟回来的。」
| 《儒林外史.第二回》:「我方才上坟回来,不想遇着雨,耽阁一夜。」

动 去坟前祭奠死者。

"Wu, a busy Beijing media worker used to visit her father's grave every year on Qingming Day. "

Today also happens to be the anniversary of the death of my newborn daughter, whose grave I would normally visit.

Elderly visitors come with three sets of offerings, for the king of the underworld first, the mountain god second, and finally their own ancestors. But younger people go straight to their ancestors' graves as soon as they arrive, unaware that they should worship those two deities first.

Some time passes and the number of visitors to the graveyard gradually swells. Old and young, they appear and disappear among the mounds. (Lyell)
Time passed. More people, young and old, came to visit the graves. (Yangs)
Time passed. Other mourners, of various ages, appeared, weaving in and out between the graves. (Lovell)
- 上墳 上坟 [shang4 fen2] /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/
+ 上墳 上坟 [shang4 fen2] /to visit a grave/
# Editor: adding
- 掃墓 扫墓 [sao3 mu4] /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/
+ 掃墓 扫墓 [sao3 mu4] /to sweep a grave (and pay one's respects to the dead person)/
By MDBG 2024
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