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Change log entry 67984
Processed by: monigeria (2019-08-22 02:14:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61942 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
I don't think "workpoint recorder" is a common English phrase, but it seems to be the universal translation for this occupation:

“Workpoint recorders went to the field to check the work accomplished by team members. At the end of the day, the workpoint recorder noted down on a slip of paper the tasks each worker had performed.”
China's Peasants: The Anthropology of a Revolution

“Every person had a workpoint registration book [jigongber]; the workpoint recorder [jigongyuan] recorded in his own book on a daily basis everyone's workpoint earnings. Once a month the workpoint recorder recorded in the workpoint registration book of each commune member [sheyuan] the number of worpoints that person had earned”
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China

“They included the deputy for finance and economy, cashier, storehouse keeper, accountant, and workpoint recorder. Most important were the accountant and workpoint recorder. The latter was responsible not only for keeping records of the team members' labour contributions but also for going personally to the fields on a daily basis to certify that the labour tasks assigned to individual team members were completed according to agreed-upon standards.”
The Power of Words: Literacy and Revolution in South China, 1949-95

v.o. record workpoints
record workpoints
动 记录工作时间或工作量。

n. workpoint recorder M:ge/míng/²wèi 个/名/位
+ 記工 记工 [ji4 gong1] /to record workpoints/
+ 記工員 记工员 [ji4 gong1 yuan2] /workpoint recorder/
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