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Change log entry 67974
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-18 23:43:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64453 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Trying to add a number of missing senses.
* "crosswise" -- attempt to convey 跟物体长的一边垂直的(GF), 与物体长的一边垂直(LAC), after ABC's "move crosswise".
* "to cross (a river, etc)" -- MoE 渡过、跨越。Wenlin: move crosswise; transverse? -- MoE gives examples from classical literature, from what I see in other dictionaries for 横 to have this meaning in modern Chinese it would require a verb: 横切, 横渡, 横穿.
* "to place (a long object) flat (on a surface)" -- LA 使直立的物体放平。 GF 把长形物体横向摆放或把持 MoE 把直立的东西放平。Pleco: place sth. crosswise (or horizontally) -- GF says also 把持, not just 放平
* "(in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable/violent" -- 横 héng has the same sense as 横 hèng in chengyu and other fixed expressions (LAC 凶恶;不讲理。GF 不顺情理的; 蛮不讲理的 Wenlin: violently; flagrantly. Pleco: [meaning much the same as 横 hèng 1, limited to use in idiomatic expressions] violent; fierce; flagrant). Note on GF: “横”③跟“横(hèng)”①意思相近, 但只用于成语或文言词中。cf. 横 hèng
* "in a jumble/chaotic" -- LAC 杂乱的 MOE 杂乱的、交错的 GF 杂乱 Wenlin: unrestrainedly; turbulently. Pleco: unrestrained; turbulent -- Cf. 杂乱

Senses only present in one dictionary:
* n. 遮门的栏木。
* n. 连横的简称。为战国时张仪所提倡的一种外交政策。与「合纵」相对。
* n. 弥漫、笼罩。
* 姓。
* 1 in any case; anyway
* 2 most likely; probably

Editor: Pleco's "anyway; probably" may be related to 横 as in 横是, which derived from 橫豎 (héngshù --> héngshi).
- 橫 横 [heng2] /horizontal/across/(horizontal character stroke)/
+ 橫 横 [heng2] /horizontal/across/crosswise/horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters)/to place (sth) flat (on a surface)/to cross (a river, etc)/in a jumble/chaotic/(in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable/violent/
By MDBG 2024
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