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Change log entry 67944
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-14 09:32:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64465 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
not sure which variant is more common (currently don’t have access to laptop)

情有獨鐘 isn't a variant; it's a miswrite.
1) The relevant sense of 鍾 is "to concentrate; to focus"; 鐘 doesn't have that meaning.
2) 情有獨鐘 isn't in dictionaries.
3) TP has 36 examples of 情有獨鍾 and zero instances of 情有獨鐘.
= 情有獨鍾 情有独钟 [qing2 you3 du2 zhong1] /to have a special fondness (for sth)/
- 情有獨鐘 情有独钟 [qing2 you3 du2 zhong1] /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)/
# + 情有獨鐘 情有独钟 [qing2 you3 du2 zhong1] /to have a special fondness (for sth)/
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