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Change log entry 67804
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-26 22:34:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64207 - submitted by 'gugray' >>
other entries confirm fen4zi3 = 份子

You're saying that the simplified form is 份子 rather than 分子, because other entries confirm it.

1) Which entries? We don't have *any* entries where fen4zi3 is written as 份子 for the simplified form. We have plenty where it's written as 分子, though. E.g.
不法分子 不法分子 [bu4 fa3 fen4 zi3] /lawbreakers/offenders/
右派份子 右派分子 [you4 pai4 fen4 zi3] /rightist elements/

2) As you can see from these two examples, we have entries where the traditional form for fen4zi3 is 分子 in some cases and 份子 in other cases. Both are correct. They are variant forms. Both are commonly used in Taiwan. We have an entry that documents the variant relationship of 分 and 份:
份 份 [fen4] /.../variant of 分[fen4]/

3) Google results (with the 'verbatim' setting) for the simplified form:
"知识分子" - 16.3 million
"知识份子" - 1.3 million

4) PRC dictionaries give 分子 as the way to write fen4zi3 (member of a class or group).

Conclusion: 分子 is the standard way to write fen4zi3 in simplified form, based on what PRC dictionaries indicate and also actual usage. (And it's also correct for the traditional form.)
# - 知識分子 知识分子 [zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3] /intellectual/intelligentsia/learned person/
# + 知識分子 知识份子 [zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3] /intellectual/intelligentsia/learned person/
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