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Change log entry 67771
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-25 02:56:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63182 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
bludgeon to death
[...] 因民警未配备麻醉枪,且短时间未找到狗主人,手枪射击又容易跳弹伤人,为防止该狗伤害更多行人,民警遂用木棍对狗进行扑杀。

Wang Qishan “delivered unusually personal, off-the-cuff remarks in Singapore before his keynote address at a new economic forum after US tycoon Michael Bloomberg introduced him as ‘the most influential political figure’ in China and the world,” reports the South China Morning Post. “When I hear words of praise, I fear that it is pěng shā 捧杀,” said Wang. “When I hear words of criticism, I don’t worry so much because these are bàng shā 棒杀.” (Literally, “praise kill,” peng sha means an attempt to cause someone to fail by excessive praise. Bang sha, literally “to bludgeon to death,” is a metaphor for trying defeat someone through direct criticism.)

K ~ 1. attack publicly so as to lead to defeat 2. beat up
- 棒殺 棒杀 [bang4 sha1] /pushing sb to failure by excessive criticism/
+ 棒殺 棒杀 [bang4 sha1] /to bludgeon to death/(fig.) to defeat sb by publicly criticizing them/
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