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Change log entry 67743
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-22 02:55:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63014 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Quick and dirty sub - will add more when I get a min.

Pretty sure my def is the equivalent English (work) “position” as in:

“A content moderator is suing Facebook because she says the things she saw on the job gave her PTSD.”


Editor: Content moderators deal with more than just pornography -- e.g. violence and gore. And it's generally online.
According to the Baike article, 鉴黄师s deal with offline material like 光碟 as well, and more importantly, it seems they are specifically looking for pornography (after all, the job title has 黄 in the middle).

# 鑒黃師 鉴黄师 [jian4 huang2 shi1] /content moderator/
# Editor:
+ 鑑黃師 鉴黄师 [jian4 huang2 shi1] /content moderator specializing in pornographic material (both online and offline)/
+ 鑑黃 鉴黄 [jian4 huang2] /to inspect videos and other media for pornographic content/
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