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Change log entry 67717
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-07-17 08:02:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64303 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 67714 >>
<< review queue entry 64301 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>


1) The structure of the word suggests that it's a verb (to substitute + to drive) and indeed the original submission states explicitly that 代驾 is an *action* (行为): 代驾就是...的行为。

2) A designated driver is "a person who abstains from alcohol at a social gathering so as to be fit to drive others home" (Oxford). This person is *designated*, meaning that s/he is "selected from among the attendees at the gathering to abstain from drinking". Such people are not part of an industry, whereas the quoted article refers to an industry: 代驾行业. Designated drivers are almost always friends, workmates or family members. They do not normally receive payment (收取一定费用, as the original sub states in relation to 代驾.) They are not professional drivers (专业驾驶人员, as the original sub puts it).

3) LA says 代驾 can also apply when the vehicle owner can't drive due to other reasons (e.g too sick to drive). Again, that's not what you'd call a designated driver.

4) "substitute driver" example:
"Substitute driver services targeted for regulation
Traffic authorities plan to draw up a new law that will require insurance and licenses for the currently unregulated business of driving intoxicated clients’ cars home after social functions, government officials announced Thursday."
It's not called "designated driver services" -- because that would be a contradiction in terms.

See also Wiktionary and K entries for 代駕.
- 代駕 代驾 [dai4 jia4] /designated driver/
+ 代駕 代驾 [dai4 jia4] /to drive a vehicle for its owner (often as a paid service for sb who has consumed alcohol) (abbr. for 代理駕駛|代理驾驶[dai4 li3 jia4 shi3])/substitute driver (abbr. for 代駕司機|代驾司机[dai4 jia4 si1 ji1])/
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