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Change log entry 67687
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-15 01:04:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64260 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
This is also the shortened term of the word 共享单车 & used frequently colloquially.

There are companies like:
- 摩拜单车
- 哈啰单车

共享单车 is defined by KEY as:
1 bike sharing
2 bike-share bicycle

Here's an example where 单车 is specifically referring to bike-sharing:
- 單車 单车 [dan1 che1] /(coll.) bicycle/bike/
# + 單車 单车 [dan1 che1] /(coll.) bicycle/bike/bike-share bicycle/
+ 單車 单车 [dan1 che1] /(coll.) bike/bicycle (esp. bike-share bicycle)/
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