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Change log entry 67672
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-13 07:10:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64229 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
刷单 is also used a lot for individuals working on commission or per sale for a company when they list many fraudulent sales.


I’m not sure about the def - I’m on my phone and worried about the page refreshing.
- 刷單 刷单 [shua1 dan1] /to boost the profile of an e-commerce site by making fake purchases and posting fake reviews/
# + 刷單 刷单 [shua1 dan1] /to boost the profile of an e-commerce site by making fake purchases and posting fake reviews/to inflate a sales record/
+ 刷單 刷单 [shua1 dan1] /to generate fake transactions in order to game a commercial online platform (one that rewards users who have numerous transactions)/
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