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Change log entry 67580
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-23 22:21:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64132 >>

Editor: It doesn't exactly mean "slanting".
The characters tell you what it means: "following (顺) the incline (斜)".
In the context of geology, that's cataclinal ("descending in the same direction as that of the dip of the geological strata").
The opposite of cataclinal is anaclinal ("descending in a direction opposite to that of the dip of the strata"). In Chinese, that's 逆斜.
逆斜谷 anaclinal valley.
逆斜河 anaclinal river
顺斜谷的英文翻译:cataclinal valley
顺斜河 cataclinal river

Waterfalls are classified according to how they fall relative to the underlying rock strata. If a waterfall falls following the incline of the strata, it's called a 順斜型瀑布.
(5) 基盤形態︰
# 順斜 顺斜 [shun4 xie] /slanting/
# Editor:
+ 順斜 顺斜 [shun4 xie2] /(geology) cataclinal/
+ 逆斜 逆斜 [ni4 xie2] /(geology) anaclinal/
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