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Change log entry 67567
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-20 22:19:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64116 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 猛醒 https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?handler=QueryDictionary&querydictionary_search=%E7%8C%9B%E9%86%92

* Wenlin/ABC conflates 猛省 and 猛醒 in one entry, but this appears to be a mistake; other dictionaries have 猛省 as a synonym/variant for 猛醒 only in the sense “realise suddenly”.
* MoE has an additional sense, “深自反省” , as I don't have any other source or usage examples I'm not submitting it now.
* I changed the spelling to “realize” because I believe CEDICT follows American spelling (it is spelt “realise” in the 猛醒 entry.)

① suddenly realize
② suddenly wake up

wake up suddenly (to the truth); suddenly realize; be struck by

1. 猛然醒悟。也作「猛醒」。
| 经历这次挫折,终于使他~过来。
2. 突然想起。
| ~从前多少事,历历在目。

1. 深自反省。
| 《福惠全書.卷一五.刑名部.自盡》:「本縣言出令隨,爾等試靜思,猛省毋忽。」
2. 忽然覺悟。
| 《朱子語類.卷一三.力行》:「人心之公,每為私欲所蔽,所以更放不下。但常常以此兩端體察,若見得時,自須猛省,急擺脫出來。」
| 《水滸傳.第四七回》:「宋江勒馬看時,莊上不見刀鎗軍馬。心中疑忌。猛省道:『我的不是了。天書上明明戒說:「臨敵休急暴。」』」
3. 突然憶起。
| 宋.王炎〈青玉案.深紅數點〉詞:「正寥茖,無情緒。猛省從前多少事。」

动 猛然察觉到或想起来
| 现在猛省过来知道做错了。

Doesn't that give us food for thought?

Today he suddenly realized all the mistakes he had made in the past and felt much abashed.

在中国,人们以为同性恋者不存在。在外国,人们知道同性恋者存在,但不知他们是谁。有两位人类学家给同性恋者写了一本书,题目就叫做《word is out》。然后我又猛省 到自己也属于古往今来最大的一个弱势群体,就是沉默的大多数。这些人保持沉默的原因多种多样,有些人没能力、或者没有机会说话;还有人有些隐情不便说话;还有一些人,因为种种原因,对于话语的世界有某种厌恶之情。我就属于这最后一种。


> Wenlin/ABC conflates 猛省 and 猛醒 in one entry, but this appears to be a mistake; other dictionaries have 猛省 as a synonym/variant for 猛醒 only in the sense “realise suddenly”.

Well, I think you're technically correct. But it seems that 猛醒 only rarely means "suddenly awake from sleep".
So 99% of the time, 猛省 and 猛醒 are interchangeable.
One exception is 猛醒的睡狮. You don't talk about a sleeping lion suddenly coming to some realization!
And sure enough, Google finds zero results for 猛省的睡狮.
# 猛省 猛省 [meng3 xing3] /to realize suddenly/to remember suddenly/
# Editor:
+ 猛省 猛省 [meng3 xing3] /to realize suddenly/to suddenly recall/
By MDBG 2024
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