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Change log entry 67550
Processed by: vermillon (2019-06-18 05:23:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64096 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's not a mess kit -- "kit" implies that there is more than one piece.
A mess kit is a "set of cooking and eating utensils compactly arranged in a kit" (American Heritage).
A 刁斗 is a single cooking utensil, not a set of utensils.
- 刁斗 刁斗 [diao1 dou3] /soldier's mess kit used for cooking food by day and for sounding the night watches during the hours of darkness/
+ 刁斗 刁斗 [diao1 dou3] /soldier's copper saucepan, used for cooking food by day and for sounding the night watches during the hours of darkness (in ancient times)/
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