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Change log entry 67548
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-17 10:33:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64093 - submitted by 'polaris' >>

From http://dangshi.people.com.cn/BIG5/n1/2017/0731/c85037-29437871.html

From 钱江晚报:巨头互撕,拥兵自重的傲慢

3、(said of warlords) to maintain an army and defy orders from the central government

From Yahoo 奇摩字典

Editor: Thanks. The definition seems quite correct, but it appears in other sources so I'd rather not copy it verbatim.

A couple more examples:


馬上會聲勢坐大,擁兵自重、... "[Drug dealers could then use the money to] expand their organizations and even upgrade their firepower. "

"These commanders became warlords who had de facto control of subnational areas. ... who built up his personal army—the Beiyang Army—and produced many ..."

"Zhang allowed his personal army to fight with the Imperial Army.":
# 擁兵自重 拥兵自重 [yong1 bing1 zi4 zhong4] /maintain an army and defy orders from the central government/
# Editor:
+ 擁兵自重 拥兵自重 [yong1 bing1 zi4 zhong4] /(of a warlord etc) to assemble one's personal army, thereby presenting a challenge to the central government/
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