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Change log entry 67529
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-16 00:53:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64085 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 规范词典 gives a very specific definition, which may in fact the original sense, but 精怪 really is used for any supernatural creature, it seems to me based on the examples I've seen. In video games it seems to be often used as a translation for gremlin.

n. demons; ghosts

NOUN goblins; spirits; demons
clever; shrewd

| 孩子们对~故事又爱又怕。


名 迷信指鸟兽花木等经多年修炼而变成的妖怪。(也说精灵。)

地精 ( 魔婴+小精怪 ): 当你的军队遭受重大损失会逃跑.
Goblin ( imp + gremlin ): can desert , if stack suffers heavy losses.

The Gremlins descend from the sky with parachutes.

In the novels, the love stories between eidolon and human are always loved by people.

可是丧气的是,他们才在斯丹赫普门安顿下来,老佐里恩就看出她又恢复了原来的那种呆呆出神的样子。她时常坐在那里眼睛发直,手支着下巴,就像北方神话里的小精怪 ,样子又是狰狞又是专注。而在她的周围,新装上的电灯把那个大客厅照得通亮;客厅里的墙壁用锦缎一直糊到画线,塞满了从拜波-普尔布里铺子里买来的家具。
No sooner, however, had they established themselves in Stanhope Gate than he perceived to his dismay a return of her old absorbed and brooding manner. She would sit, staring in front of her, her chin on her hand, like a little Norse spirit, grim and intent, while all around in the electric light, then just installed, shone the great, drawing-room brocaded up to the frieze, full of furniture from Baple and Pullbred's.
John Galsworthy, The Man of Property 《有产业的人》

“窈窕”本意为“美好貌”,诗意即为容貌美好、举止温良谦恭的女子,就是男人喜欢的好对象。但不知从何时起,追求“窈窕”的时尚,变成了追求“苗条”的时尚,以致发展到皇帝爱女人细腰,弄得宫女不敢吃饭,几乎就要饿死。后来,也许女人的腰越来越细得像个精怪 或是妖怪,男人们大概有些怕了,于是到了唐朝,女人开始以胖为美,例如杨贵妃的丰满就是出了名的,皇帝爱得都忘掉了江山。

贵生一定也怕克……”正说到这里,贵生回来了,脸庞红红的,想说一句话可不知说什么好,只是搓手。五爷说,“贵生,你怕什么?”贵生先不明白这句话意思所指,茫然答应说,“我怕精怪 。”一句话引得大家笑将起来,贵生也笑了。
# 精怪 精怪 [jing1 guai4] /demon/monster/ghost/spirit/gremlin/
+ 精怪 精怪 [jing1 guai4] /supernatural being (such as a demon, monster, ghost, spirit, gremlin etc)/
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