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Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-14 00:23:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64073 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. examination-question bank

bank of examination questions

| 高考~
| 从~中选择。

1. 彙集大量試題的資料庫。
| 高考~
| 從~中選擇。

名 由电子计算机管理的试题集。泛指储存大量试题的资料汇集。

【Wikipedia: 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶人考试】

改革为何如此顺利?最重要的原因是重庆高院党组将公开、公正和公平的原则贯彻始终。改革启动前,他们先后制定了几套方案,并反复研究了其中的每一个细节。方案确定后,所有的程序一律公开。中层干部竞岗的岗位职数、报名条件、考试成绩、群众投票结果、党组考察和公示情况,每个环节都张榜公布。为了确保公正,院里还决定:考试题从题库 中随机抽取,请外单位老师阅卷,严格监票,纪检部门全程监督……

全国普法办主办的“第二届全国青少年网上普法知识大赛”今天落幕。来自浙江、广东等13个省、自治区、市的24名选手分获一、二、三等奖。  本届大赛始于8月1日,众多大中专院校和中小学校依托网上竞赛平台举办了校园分赛,大赛题库 共有1.1万余道竞答题目,内容包括《宪法》等在内的50多部法律法规
《 人民日报海外版》2005年12月05日

1) Maybe I'm being too pedantic, but "examination question database" could be taken to mean "questions that have appeared or may appear in an exam", whereas it seems that 题库 questions do not necessarily appear in an exam.
Example: << 国际危险品专业人员认证(CDGP)考试题库 Examination Item (Questions) Samples ... NOTE: The following items are NOT on the examination. >>

2) It's usually singular "question" (not "questions") in "examination question bank".
(checked using Google with the "verbatim" option: "examination questions bank" versus "examination question bank")
e.g. "Each year about 100 written examinations are given at different nuclear plant sites in support of this task. ... The Examination Question Bank System was designed and implemented to satisfy these requirements."

3) "examination question bank" is much more common than "examination question database" (according to Google).
# 題庫 题库 [ti2 ku4] /examination questions database/examination questions bank/
# Editor:
+ 題庫 题库 [ti2 ku4] /question bank (for examiners to use in creating an exam or for students to use in preparing for an exam)/
By MDBG 2024
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