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Change log entry 67515
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-13 09:20:25 GMT)
Comment: tweaking the wording of the definition
- 貴圈真亂 贵圈真乱 [gui4 quan1 zhen1 luan4] /(slang, jocular, neologism c. 2006, used esp. in relation to public figures) I shake my head at the things you and your friends get up to (misbehavior, scandals etc)/
+ 貴圈真亂 贵圈真乱 [gui4 quan1 zhen1 luan4] /(slang, jocular, neologism c. 2006, used esp. in relation to public figures) the things you and your friends get up to (misbehavior, scandals etc) leave me shaking my head/
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