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Change log entry 67413
Processed by: richwarm (2019-05-24 00:53:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63932 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"of one's own initiative" often carries a positive connotation.
e.g. "When a member of his patrol sustained a casualty, of his own initiative, he again broke cover to draw fire away from the team who were helping the injured soldier."

擅自, on the other hand, always (or almost always) implies that sb is doing what they shouldn't be doing.
e.g. 民航局擅自變更設計 (the CAA had changed the project design without his consent)
- 擅自 擅自 [shan4 zi4] /without permission/of one's own initiative/
+ 擅自 擅自 [shan4 zi4] /without permission/
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