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Change log entry 67402
Processed by: richwarm (2019-05-18 12:22:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63876 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
What is a “set task”? A task that was set? (thesaurus.com has "set task" as a synonym for "odd job" but that's not what 使命 means. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/odd%20job?s=t)

1. 使者领受的命令。
| 不辱〜。
2. 责任或任务。
| 肩负着文化〜。

1. 出使的人所领受的任务。
| 《北齐书.卷三七.列传.魏收》:「李谐、卢元明首通使命,二人才器,并为邻国所重。」
2. 应负的责任。如:「每一个炎皇子孙都应该担负起发扬中华文化的神圣使命。」

1) As another editor pointed out, thesaurus.com not only has "set task" as a synonym for "odd job", it also has your suggestion ("task") as a synonym for "odd job".
By your logic then, "task" is wrong too.

2) What strikes me as a more significant issue is this: a diplomatic mission is "a permanent diplomatic office abroad" (American Heritage Dictionary).
But that's not what 使命 means.
- 使命 使命 [shi3 ming4] /mission (diplomatic or other)/set task/
# + 使命 使命 [shi3 ming4] /mission (diplomatic or other)/task/
+ 使命 使命 [shi3 ming4] /mission/task/calling/
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