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Change log entry 67299
Processed by: richwarm (2019-04-10 01:41:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63159 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
划定 means to set boundaries.
"allocate" involves distribution and there's no element of distribution in 划定.

e.g. 九月二十五日,行政院召開臨時行政院會,決議通過行使緊急命令權,劃定災區範圍,...
This is saying that they *defined* the areas, not that they allocated them to someone:
"On September 25, the Executive Yuan met in extraordinary session to invoke emergency powers, define the boundaries of the disaster area and ..."
- 劃定 划定 [hua4 ding4] /to demarcate/to delimit/to allocate/
+ 劃定 划定 [hua4 ding4] /to demarcate/to delimit/
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