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Change log entry 67296
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-09 03:14:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63938 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
退群 (withdraw from a group). “群” refers to a group established on Wechat, QQ, or other social
platforms for a certain number of people to communicate; and “退群” means to withdraw from the
communication group on a social platform. Later , the meaning extended, the scope of use expanded, now the
word “退群” also refers to withdrawal from a group (not only on a social platform). After Trump became
President, the United States withdrew from many international agreements or organizations, such as the
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the Comprehensive Agreement on
Iran’s Nuclear Issue, the Universal Postal Union, UNESCO, and so on. Trump even threatened that the United
States would withdraw from the World Trade Organization. As a result, “退群” (withdraw from a group) has
become a high-frequency hot word, widely appearing in news reports.

- 卡塔尔将退欧佩克成首个退群中东国家.
- 前段时间,某个QQ群中的一位前辈退群了,搞得群主、管理员一通询问:谁把**气走了?最终没有问出谁“气走的”,
+ 退群 退群 [tui4 qun2] /to withdraw from a group/
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