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Change log entry 67270
Processed by: monigeria (2019-04-03 05:53:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63928 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. I find it's usually used to refer to the *process* rather than the sample itself.
Part of the reason for this submission is that I wanted to document usage of 留样 meaning 'retention sample', since that wasn't included in the original sub. Here we go:
- 各检验区每周至少抽查2个留样,中心每两周至少抽查1个留样,
- 可以放30个留样的冰箱.

2. I think we can add "(abbr. for 保留樣品|保留样品[bao3 liu2 yang4 pin3])".

- 留樣 留样 [liu2 yang4] /retention sample/(of a manufacturer, esp. of food or drugs) to retain a sample of a batch of a product/
+ 留樣 留样 [liu2 yang4] /retention sample/(of a manufacturer, esp. of food or drugs) to retain a sample of a batch of a product (abbr. for 保留樣品|保留样品[bao3 liu2 yang4 pin3])/
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