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Change log entry 67217
Processed by: richwarm (2019-03-15 00:23:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61140 - submitted by 'pzelchenko' >>
See also related recent addition of 鉴古思今, maybe incorporate these


Editor: That's a sentence from a speech by a Fujian official in 2016.

But that sentence has never occurred before or since then, as far as I (or Google) can determine.

It's the job of a dictionary to define the *reusable* elements of sentences.
# 鑑古思今大道求,獅峰腳下好春秋 鉴古思今大道求,狮峰脚下好春秋 [jian4 gu3 si1 jin1 da4 dao4 qiu2 shi1 feng1 jiao3 xia4 hao3 chun1 qiu1] /knowledge of the past allows reflection in the present, with (Huangshan) Lion Peak under foot, one lives a happy life/
By MDBG 2024
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