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Change log entry 67214
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-14 05:20:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63862 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
also 晒娃族

B: 晒娃族(Sharent),指经常使用社交媒体分享与自己子女有关的大量详细信息的父母群体。不过,有学者表示,“网络晒孩子”的做法须谨慎,犯罪分子可能会通过社交媒体搜集、掌握孩子和家长信息,无形中会增加孩子被绑架及被人利用来敲诈勒索的风险。

2017-03-21 08:53 Shenzhen Daily


“晒” means to “expose,” and “娃” means children. The corresponding English word sharenting is a term used to describe the overuse of social media by parents to share content based on their children. The Wall Street Journal created the term, where they called it “oversharenting,” a combination of “over-sharing” and “parenting.” The practice stems from the connected nature of social media early-adopters, who are comfortable sharing their lives online. When they had children, they began to share large numbers of their children’s pictures online.

- 为什么我从不在朋友圈晒娃?
+ 曬娃 晒娃 [shai4 wa2] /(coll.) to excessively share pics etc of one's child on social media/sharenting/
+ 曬娃族 晒娃族 [shai4 wa2 zu2] /(coll.) sharent/
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