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Change log entry 67121
Processed by: richwarm (2019-02-06 03:33:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63774 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Eroshenko isn't a very important name in world literature but he's at least an interesting figure in East Asian modern literature. Just the fact the Lu Xun wrote a short story about him (and that he was his friend and translated his work) makes him noteworthy enough to be referenced in this dictionary, in my opinion. 爱罗先珂 seems to be used only to refer to him, not to other Eroshenkos, but it doesn't seem a very common last name (Wikipedia's disambiguation page for Yeroshenko says "Ukrainian-language surname Yeroshenko, also transliterated as Eroshenko" and lists only four people with this surname).

* "who wrote in Esperanto and Japanese": "Russian writer" can mislead people into thinking he work was in Russian, but he seems to have written mostly in Japanese and Esperanto.

Lu Xun wrote about him in his short story 鸭的喜剧. A couple quotes (from the Lu Xun corpus at corpus.usx.edu.cn, with Lyell's and the Yangs' translations):

One day, during one of those junctures between the end of winter and the beginning of summer, I had some free time in the evening and went to call on Eroshenko. (Lyells008)
One day, or rather one night, at this time when winter ended and summer began, happening to be free I called on Eroshenko. (Yangs008)

A few days later my words were confirmed: Eroshenko bought a dozen tadpoles (Lyells023)
A few days later, sure enough, I was proved right, as Eroshenko bought a dozen or so tadpoles. (Yangs023)

Eroshenko immediately volunteered, “I ought to pay for the fish too. ” (Lyells040)
Eroshenko said, “You must let me pay for it.” (Yangs040)

【Wikipedia: Vasili Eroshenko】
Vasili Yakovlevich Eroshenko was a blind, anarchist writer, translator, esperantist, linguist, poet and teacher. He wrote in Esperanto and Japanese.


Editor: ai4 --> Ai4
# 愛羅先珂 爱罗先珂 [ai4 luo2 xian1 ke1] /Vasili Eroshenko (1890-1952), Russian writer and poet who wrote in Esperanto and Japanese/
+ 愛羅先珂 爱罗先珂 [Ai4 luo2 xian1 ke1] /Vasili Eroshenko (1890-1952), Russian writer and poet who wrote in Esperanto and Japanese/
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