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Change log entry 67118
Processed by: richwarm (2019-02-04 00:27:57 GMT)
Comment: Between the time her husband died and the time she herself died, you could say she was "the widow of ...", but now that they have both died, I think one should say that she was his *wife* rather than his widow.
- 陳香梅 陈香梅 [Chen2 Xiang1 mei2] /Chen Xiangmei (1925-2018), a.k.a. Anna Chennault, born in Beijing, US Republican Party politician, widow of Claire Lee Chennault 陳納德|陈纳德[Chen2 na4 de2]/
+ 陳香梅 陈香梅 [Chen2 Xiang1 mei2] /Chen Xiangmei (1925-2018), a.k.a. Anna Chennault, born in Beijing, US Republican Party politician, wife of Claire Lee Chennault 陳納德|陈纳德[Chen2 na4 de2]/
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