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Change log entry 67110
Processed by: richwarm (2019-02-02 07:28:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63754 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
I normally don't add words that can be found in other dictionaries, esp. in Pleco.

HanDeDict has an entry for
which it defines as:
guten appetit! (sagt man zu mitessenden Personen)

So basically, "enjoy your meal," but I've never heard it used in this context.

「鳳爪女」地鐵開吃沙其馬!垃圾全扔地… ETtoday
朱俐靜開吃夜光霜淇淋散發螢光「像吃棉花糖… 蘋果日報

Editor: Matic wants to know why you wouldn't add words that are in Pleco too.
Drop him a line if you care to do so.
You can cc me if you like :-)
+ 開吃 开吃 [kai1 chi1] /to start eating/
By MDBG 2024
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