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Change log entry 66835
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-08 23:26:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63123 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Not sure if this is common or not. Just submitting an entry first before I forget.

The original sentence I had:

There's only one entity named "Ivy League", so it's capitalized as a proper noun.
There are multiple Ivy League schools, so "Ivy League school" is a generic term, not a proper noun. That's why "school" isn't capitalized.

Britannica ~ "Yale University (1701), an Ivy League school, is regarded as one of the ..."
# 常春藤學府 常春藤学府 [Chang2 chun1 teng2 xue2 fu3] /Ivy League School/
+ 常春藤學府 常春藤学府 [chang2 chun1 teng2 xue2 fu3] /Ivy League school/
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