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Change log entry 66828
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-05 03:58:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63262 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
声乐考试前王迅更是客串了一把老师的角色教罗志祥唱老歌, 引来一群旁听生 “蹭课”。而遇到麻烦的张艺兴无奈返回农场邮箱, 寻求 “极限智囊团” 的帮助。

From http://epaper.xkb.com.cn/view/1108308

职业棋手方天丰在北大、清华等高校开设的围棋选修课,每堂课最多许可 150 人参加,但每次都有近 300 人报名,很多报不上的学生只能在教室门口 “蹭课”。

From http://bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2018-04/08/content_236819.htm

Editor: Sorry to have taken so long to get around to processing this.

It seems that this word is closer to "sit in on a class".

Here is one explanation of the difference (audit / sit in):
"When you audit a class, you are officially signed up for that class and receive a transcript marked "AU." When you sit in on a class, you are not registered in any official capacity. [...] Many colleges charge tuition for an audited class, often at the regular for-credit rate. Thus, the main advantage of sitting in is avoiding that fee, which is why many universities have specific policies that prohibit sitting in on classes."

Usage such as your quotes, and also the following quotes, suggests that when people "ceng-ke", they are often not paying fees.
a) 如果你想要混进常春藤大学里蹭课而不被发现,那么就从人多的大课 ...
b) 如何在一所陌生的大学蹭课?
被人问起: 同学问你。你一脸羞愧回答重修的。。。
# 蹭課 蹭课 [ceng4 ke4] /audit/
+ 蹭課 蹭课 [ceng4 ke4] /(coll.) to sit in on a class/
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