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Change log entry 66815
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-04 02:46:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63379 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
Subatomic without hyphen is more common. According to COCA, sub-atomic appears 16 times, while subatomic appears 437 times.

ref: https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
- 亞原子 亚原子 [ya4 yuan2 zi3] /sub-atomic/
+ 亞原子 亚原子 [ya4 yuan2 zi3] /subatomic/
# Editor: deleting some other hyphens
- 彈幕 弹幕 [dan4 mu4] /barrage (military)/"bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time/danmaku (video game sub-genre)/
+ 彈幕 弹幕 [dan4 mu4] /barrage (military)/"bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time/danmaku (video game subgenre)/
- 分社 分社 [fen1 she4] /sub-division or branch of an organization/news bureau/
+ 分社 分社 [fen1 she4] /subdivision or branch of an organization/news bureau/
- 街道辦事處 街道办事处 [jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4] /sub-district office/neighborhood official/an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities/
+ 街道辦事處 街道办事处 [jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4] /subdistrict office/neighborhood official/an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities/
- 軍分區 军分区 [jun1 fen1 qu1] /military sub-districts/
+ 軍分區 军分区 [jun1 fen1 qu1] /military subdistricts/
- 沒水平 没水平 [mei2 shui3 ping2] /disgraceful/poor quality/sub-standard/
+ 沒水平 没水平 [mei2 shui3 ping2] /disgraceful/poor quality/substandard/
- 沒水準 没水准 [mei2 shui3 zhun3] /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/sub-standard/
+ 沒水準 没水准 [mei2 shui3 zhun3] /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/substandard/
- 凝花菜 凝花菜 [ning2 hua1 cai4] /gelidiella, tropical and sub-tropical red algae/
+ 凝花菜 凝花菜 [ning2 hua1 cai4] /gelidiella, tropical and subtropical red algae/
- 微觀 微观 [wei1 guan1] /micro-/sub-atomic/
+ 微觀 微观 [wei1 guan1] /micro-/subatomic/
- 亞單位 亚单位 [ya4 dan1 wei4] /sub-unit/
+ 亞單位 亚单位 [ya4 dan1 wei4] /subunit/
- 亞音節單位 亚音节单位 [ya4 yin1 jie2 dan1 wei4] /sub-syllabic unit/
+ 亞音節單位 亚音节单位 [ya4 yin1 jie2 dan1 wei4] /subsyllabic unit/
- 支行 支行 [zhi1 hang2] /sub-branch of a bank/
+ 支行 支行 [zhi1 hang2] /subbranch of a bank/
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