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Change log entry 66799
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-01 23:45:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62954 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The first two glosses relate to a sense that is well documented in dicts.
The last three are less well documented. Here is what I have found:

1. (derogatory) arrogance; bluster
2. (archaic, of a person) momentum; imposing manner; force; energy

But it isn't archaic, despite what that definition says, and despite the "ancien" (archaic) label in GR's entry.
Here are some non-archaic examples where the meaning doesn't appear to be "arrogance".

TP ~ 「看不出來啊,像雪華這樣的女孩也會選擇婚姻。不過女孩子總是會變,結了婚柴米油鹽醬醋茶,婚前的氣焰會磨掉的啦。」吳老師說。
At one table, a guest-a teacher named Wu-says: "You'd never expect that a woman like Hsueh-hua would choose marriage. But she may change. After marriage comes taking care of all the routine daily tasks, and the pre-marriage atmosphere is worn away."

TP ~ 隨著時間一點一滴的累積,孩子開始有了轉變,社區幫派氣焰收斂了,打架、吸毒問題也少了。
When the children started to make a turn for the better, gangs in the community disappeared, and problems with fighting and drugs decreased.

J ~ When he finally simmered down and got in a receptive mood, I said quietly: 'I want to thank vou for coming to Chicago to tell me about this.

J ~ we are forced to add that he was glacial towards Napoleon in his decline.

Web ~ 一时间,反华的气焰甚嚣尘上。

J ~ President Bush says opposition demands to pull U. S. troops out of Iraq by October would embolden the enemy.

ChinesePod ~ 我们的婚姻法已经那么坑爹了,不给点舆论压力,岂不是更助长了出轨男人的气焰?
Our marriage law is already such a joke, so if there is no pressure from public opinion, wouldn't that just be more wind in the sails of cheating men?

Part of GR's definition is
"(anc.) flamme qui anime un homme; force de la personalité; (fig.) feu"

GT translates this as "the flame that animates a man; strength of the personality; (fig.) fire"


4) LA's definition starts with 火勢。
+ 氣焰 气焰 [qi4 yan4] /arrogance/haughtiness/energy/vigor/momentum/
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